Wednesday, January 14, 2009

They don't say much

Another one without a single story that stands out to me. I like this quote, however, because it exemplifies how dad expressed his affection for his kids. Now that I have kids I realize that dad must have been overwhelmed with pride and love for us. But this is the most he could say out loud.


Ojo Rojo said...

I can't tell you how many times I heard this growing up.

Stevenson Road said...

It's weird; I remember Dad always saying this, but unlike a lot of his other sayings, I have a positive connotation with it. It's like even as a little kid I knew what Dad was getting at.

Rimas Kurtinaitis said...

I went through stages with this quote. First I just took it at face value. Then I thought he was being funny. Then I resented it -- like what the hell, I don't know how to cross a parking lot at age 15? Then I came to the conclusion in this post.